Category - Writing & Art

Writing & Art

This category of hobbies is about writing & art but as the subject is wide therefore it would be mostly around various forms of writing & art.

Most of us love to read and follow writers, intellectuals, poets, bloggers and so on.  They express their mind into words and when we read their books, writings, poems, columns and blogs, we interpret it according to our thinking and circumstances.

This hobby may lead us to form or establish a personal library or an eBook collection. Some people remember the poems, verses or dialogues by heart and express these according to the topic they are talking or discussing about.

Art has also progressed over time and we have seen so many new ways to do art now a day.  But handmade paintings and art have considerable value to the art devotees. As with digital age, we have several different apps and programs to perform very difficult art and craft. 3D art is being created in the 3D printers and so on.

Historically people have established a collection of books, arts, journals, magazines, letters or any other forms of writings but in modern times, these does not require much space and could be stored in virtual environment. A tablets can store thousands of eBooks and publishing materials.

Although lack of space and cost saving are major benefit that are gained from modern book collection. But if you have a proper book collection then you have a majestic association with physical and sometimes leather bound collection. Today you find enthusiasts for both e-Book collection and ones who are maintaining library with huge collection of books.

Basically this hobby is vast one where you find writers, poets, bloggers and so on who loves to write and on other side people who collect books, e-Books, journals, newspapers and magazines.

Here we are combining the efforts of both enthusiastic writers and collectors. We will share any new writings, poems and blogs as well as book reviews, all about libraries, book collection, e-Books, online reading recommendations, biographies………

Some of the sub category assigned to this main category are as follows:

  • Writing
  • Poem / Poems
  • Book / Books
  • E-Book
  • Novel
  • Biography
  • Books to read
  • English Poems
  • Art
  • Online Books
  • Library