Pokémon Go Update and Play
Pokémon Go has captured the huge gaming and first-time players by storm when it was released in 2016. Since then the game has undergone a huge ramp-up. It still has a huge number of loyal players supporting Niantic on this amazing journey.

Trainer with his Pokémon
Pokémon Go Game Journey
This affair of augmented reality game was awesome as the time of game release. We have seen and heard of traffic jams upon sighting or spawning of any new initial Pokémon. The release year was an amazing success for Niantic but somehow progress and upgrade of the game were a bit slow and it was “catch them all” initially. Later features caught the attention of the players but the game caught the attention of spoofing and botting. Although Niantic employed measures to curb these and other cheating mechanisms. But still, people used these cheating mechanisms and the regular players were at a disadvantage.
Anyhow, as the game progressed a lot and new features are being introduced. Those cheating measures can provide some advantages to players but not the most. By the year 2020, the game has an amazing set of features and events that we have not even though in 2016.
Reasons to get back to Pokémon Go game:

Trainer with Pikachu
Since the start of 2020, there are so many changes in the game, that compel anyone to install the game again and continue its journey. Some of the reasons are listed below but this is an exhaustive list:
- Game meta has changed since what we have seen at the launch.
- Pokémon roll out is too quick then we have seen in the initial year. In addition to that, we have seen several different attributes being added. That includes gender, shiny, lucky, purified, etc…
- Pokémon of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova are released and more are planned in time to come.
- Desirable Pokémon during the initial stages of the games was the one with higher HP like Blissey, Snorlax, Wobbuffet, etc. That was due to their chance of survival in Gym. But now you may have to build different teams for the great league, ultra league, and master league.
- Introduction of Battle;
- Trading Pokémon function;
- Adding friends for exchanging gifts, Pokémon, and participation in gym or raid battles;
- Periodical events and their live coverage. Recently Niantic has announced virtual event experience. That is to be held from 25 to 26 July 2020.
- Community days at regular intervals that feature desired Pokémon with exclusive move set and its shiny variants.
- Five-star raids featuring legendary Pokémon.
- Pokémon Go evolution items are now widely available than before. In addition to Pokéstop spinning and 7-day Pokéstop streak, these are now available as a battle-winning reward, Pokémon go research and quests.
- Weekly or periodical challenges like through back challenges that help you complete your Poké dex.
- Buddy feature that lets you play with your buddy in AR mode. Depending on the level of the buddy, it provides you assistance in catching, finding gifts from Poké stops, field research every day without visiting a Poké stop, finding the location, finding souvenirs, CP boost, and so on.
- Special research that leads to amazing bonuses including items, XP, rare Pokémon.
- Style Shop that contains amazing stuff to choose the style of your avatar. “Poses” let you select the pose of your avatar but that cost you Poké Coins.
- Item Bag and Pokémon storage have increased to accommodate the latest arrival of Pokémon and variants of items.
- Remote raid pass let you fight a raid battle without leaving your house.
- Battle leagues is a fun feature whereby you battle a round of 5 battles with opponents and a win let you have stardust, technical machines, rare candy, berry, or evolution items.
- Battle wins let you improve your ranking which is up to 10 depending upon wins and other errands.
- Team Go Rocket is on the go. Now you can catch shadow Pokémon, defeat team go rocket
Jessie and James of Team Rocket
grunts, and so on.
- In addition to medals and egg hatching, walk now gives you buddy candies and rewards based on the walk level achieved.
- Upon a nice snapshot with your buddy Pokémon, you may see a surprise Pokémon appearance.
- Spotlight hours that give you access to different Pokémon and bonuses. Visit the news section to note the timings.
- 1 PokéCoin bundles in the shop. An amazing discount limited time offers with great stuff to offer.
- New Poké stops and Gym feature is open. Subject to the guidelines of Niantic, you may get a Poké stop or gym near you.
- Now one can continue his Pokémon Go adventure on Nintendo Switch.
- Pokéstop nomination is open through wayfarer.nianticlabs.com. Once you achieve the desired level, you may nominate Pokéstops. For the time being the limit is 7 nominations in 15 days and the current level requirement is level 38 or more. But these may get review periodically and level is being lowered.
- A remote raid is being introduced soon. That will enable a trainer to send an invitation of a raid to his friends.
- You may also be able to send stickers to friends.
- Guaranteed Pokémon at least a day. This feature is considered to be a relief to the players who are placed in a rare spawning area. Similarly, Niantic has been testing free gifts every day to a limited number of trainers.
- Basically, now it is quite easy to keep on playing without the urge to travel to distances to spin Pokéstops.
Agreed with above reasons, It is time for Pokémon Go Update and Play
Considerations for getting back to the game:
Depending upon the time you left the gameplay, the returning players have to understand the current format of the game. Few of the essential stuff to quickly gain the current pace of the game includes:
- Start building friends’ base that gives you XP as the level exceeds and you will have item inventory filled from gifts and you will be able to trade Pokémon and get battling experience.
- Upgrade your item bag and Pokémon storage.
- Start focusing on Completing your pokédex.
- Even regional exclusive are available on special events.
- Train yourself for battle. To start with, join battles in the great league. Build your team with Kanto superstars like Venusaur, Hitmochan, Snorlax, Zapdos, Charizard, Lapras, Dewgong, Raichu….., and then excel your team with best Pokémon as they keep on coming.
- You may have to build teams for the great league, ultra league, and master league. The selection criteria are wide now. You may have to consider its critical stats like CP, HP, fast attack, charged attack and second charged attack, and so on.
- Reaching level 40 is never that easy. Try to get to that level as soon as possible.
- 2016 strategies are still relevant especially catch them all, collect stardust for power up and fight gym battles to collect best CP Pokémon.
- Don’t miss the community day where you have a chance to catch Pokémon with an exclusive move set, better CP, and shiny variants. Similarly, Pokémon Fest and other events may lead to the opening gate for exclusive gifts and Pokémon.
Shiny and Dark Pokemon & Flying Pikachu
- Keep an eye on field research, throwback challenges, special bonuses, PokéCoins from Gym, 7-day streak of PokéStop Spin, special research. All these help you fill your item bag and Pokédex completion.
- Collect Pokémon Go evolution items for potential evolutions. But most importantly better have Pokémon Go Update and Play.
Current Features of the Game
While anyone who left the game and now interested in Pokémon Go Update and Play the adventure again, following is the current game meta:
Pokédex has five regional Pokémons and their variants including:
- Kanto;
- Johto;
- Hoenn;
- Sinnoh; and
- Unova.
We expect the remaining regions will be introduced soon in the game meta. In addition to the above regions, forms (like Alolan, Glaceaon, etc.) and shiny variants are being introduced over time.
These can be divided into various categories:

Pokemon Game Snapshots
- Desired: These include the best ones with better stats and move sets. The purpose of this collection is to acquire and defend gyms and win battles;
- Collectables: You should have at least one each for the completion of your Pokédex.
- Unique and rare: These may include Unown (all alphabet), Ditto, etc. Although they don’t have much influence in current meta and most of have forgotten them within the collection but they are unique and rare. A true collectible item.
- Regional: We heard that some people traveled to catch one in their respective regions but now Niantic is releasing them for a worldwide audience on special occasions.
- Legendary and Mythical: These are available mostly on 5-star raids, field, and special research.
- Shiny: Shiny ones are rare but most desirable with better stats and if caught with special move set, they don not let opposite to win the battle easily. Shiny Squirtle with glasses and its evolutions were amazing.
- Pikachu: A substantial Pokémon storage is being occupied by Pikachu with all sorts of hats. Again, these are collectible and Raichu is good in a great league battle.
- Shadow and purified: Shadow pokemons are obtained by winning teams rocket grunts and leaders either from poke stops or team rocket balloons. Once you catch a shadow pokemon, you may purify it. Some of the Pokemon are more desirable then others like shadow begon that will evolve into a shadow salamence and shadow beldum that may be evolved into a shadow metagross.
- Mega evolution of pokemon: This is one of the most awaited feature.
Catch Pokémon after Pokémon Go Update and Play and better catch them all…..
The item list is ever extending as the game moves on. Some of the categories of items released to date are:
Potion and revives:
A basic potion that restores your Pokémon health by 20 points.
- Super Potion: A super potion which restores your Pokémon by 50 points
- Hyper Potion: A hyper potion that restores your Pokémon by 200 points.
- Max Potion: A max potion that will restore all the points of your Pokémon.
- Revive: A medicine, which can fully revive a fainted Pokémon, and restore half of its health.
- Max Revive: A medicine, which can fully revive a fainted Pokémon, and restore all its health.
Following are released as of now but more yet to come:

Pokémon Go
- Regular Poké ball
- Great ball
- Ultra ball
- Master ball (unavailable)
- Premier ball
Lure Module:
- Lure Modeule: A module that attracts Pokémon to the Pokéstop for 30 min.
- Glacial Lure Module: it attracts ice and water type Pokémons it can also evolve eevee into glaceon.
- Magnetic Lure Module: it attracts rock, steel, and electric type Pokémon, it can also evolve a few Pokémons.
- Mossy Lure Module: it attracts grass, bug, and poison type Pokémon it can also evolve eevee into leafeon.
Pokémon Go Evolution items:
Pokémon Go evolution items are rare items in the game but these may be achieved mostly either by spinning the Pokéstop or 7th-day streak of Poké stop spinning, winning a battle, completing a quest, etc. Due to their rarity, the trainer carefully plans to use these items in a Pokémon evolution. Some of the released ones include:

Pokemon Go Snapshots
- Dragon Scale: Evolves Seadra into Kingdra
- King’s Rock: Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and SlowPoké into Slowking.
- Metal Coat: Evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor.
- Sun Stone: Evolves Gloom into Bellossom and Sunkern into Sunflora.
- Up-Grade: Evolves Porygon into Porygon2.
- Sinnoh Stone: Evolves many Sinnoh region Pokémon.
- Unova Stone: Evolves many Unova region Pokémon.
Winning a battle requires appropriate CP, better move set, strategy against an opponent, appropriate usage of a shield, and surprise the second charge move along with all others surprise plans. At present there are three leagues in the battle:
- Great League;
- Ultra League; and
- Master League
Great League
As the CP requirement is maximum 1500 therefore any trainer above level 20 would be in a position to give a competitive fight. A trainer has to select the best options to keep a winning streak. Some of the widely used Pokémon include Skarmory, Azumarill, Registeel, Vigoroth, Whiscash, Cresselia, Snorlax, Dewgong, Venusaur, medicham, bastiodon, swampert and deoxys. There were surprises as well like Hitmochan, Granbull, Abomasnow, etc. that provided an edge to trainers in battles.
Winning a great league battle requires strategies as to Pokémon CP, its type and traits, fast move, charge move, and second move. Special moves of Pokémon which were only available during special events or community day were most desirable.
Ultra League:
Again, this competitive league demands a maximum CP requirement of 2,500. A trainer with around level 30 may have competitive Pokémon to play this league.
Whereas winning requires a strong combination and best move set. Overall this league is quite a competitive one. A single good selection may lead to a comfortable win and vice versa.
This league has few Pokémon which were stars in the great league. These Pokémon include Registeel, Swampert, Venusaur, Zapdos, and Snorlax. But winning combination has Giratina, Mewtwo (Armored), Muk – Alola, Garchomp, Charizard, Gyarados…..
Master League
This league is not a child’s play. One needs to be master of the game and well-informed Poké genius. CP requirement is a maximum of 3,500. Therefore, those who are around 40 would have a better collection of Pokémon for this battling league.
Some of the trainers called it the battle of the legendries. Trainers may have to use Pokémon Go evolution items like Unova and Sinnoh stones to Togekiss, Weavile, Golem, Rhyperior, Mamoswine, etc. to bring the best of their teams. Best of the legendaries are possible from 5-star raids. Therefore more 5-star battles, better the Pokémon combination for the battle.
Battle Rewards
There are two-tier rewards. Basic rewards are available for the normal battle league but premium rewards require Premium battle pass. There are 5 rounds per battle entry. Rewards mainly consist of stardust, evolution item, Pokémon, technical machines (TM), rare candy, and berry. A simple principle is more round you win, better rewards you get. The battle is also one of the sources of collection of stardust which is considered to be one of the most desirable stuff of the game.
Trainer Ranking
Subject to winning profile, a trainer is assigned a ranking from one to ten.
More wins and longest streaks get you to upgrade in ranks.
Pokémon Go Research and Quests

Pokemon Go Research and Quests
Icon for Pokémon Go research and quests appears exactly above the nearby Pokémon and Raid bar on the bottom right of the interface. The contents on research and quest have been interesting for their rewards and ever-changing additions.
At present quests are of three types:
- All the applicable quests and research that are active will be shown under this tab.
- Any special bonuses, whether related to events or otherwise are also mentioned along with the time frame.
- Earned PokéCoins that day
- List and statistics of Pokémon in Gym
- Daily streaks of Catch and Pokéstop Spin
- A seven-day research progress that leads you to a daily prize after completion of the research
- A prize at the completion of 7th research.
- Prize includes star dust, Poké balls or evolution item or Berry and a desirable Pokémon, legendary or otherwise.
- Special quests have led to getting mythical, special, and rare spawn Pokémon.
- Niantic events (location-based or virtual) to celebrate year or generations.
- Most notable ones:
- A Mythical Discovery
- A Spooky Message 2018
- A Thousand-Year Slumber
- Jump-Start Research
- Let’s Go Meltan
- Celebrate 2019
- A Spooky Message 2019
- A Ripple in Time
- A Troubling Situation
- Throwback Challenges
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How does Pokémon Go work?
Pokémon Go is a premier virtual reality game developed by Niantic. All you need is a smartphone and/or accessories like Pokémon Go Plus or Ball. All you need is to get yourself registered as a trainer. You may attach your google or Facebook account or otherwise register with Trainer Club. Once you are signed in the game, professor willow will take you to the basic concept of the games. Once you start playing the game, here in this article there is enough information to fly you through the game. I hope this answered your question on “How Pokémon Go Works?”.
- How to play Pokémon Go?
Playing this virtual reality game does not require any special training. Just check Pokémon Go Update and Play. But if you have watched series or movies on these pocket monsters (Pokémon). Then that knowledge of the traits of pocket monsters will be really helpful.

Pokémon shiny and normal
As far as the question on “how to play Pokémon Go” is concerned, all you need to have an account for the game. Once you signed in, this game is very user friendly. The user interface (UI) is very attractive and easy for any trainer or player. This is a strategic game where you have to build a force of pocket monsters to fight in gyms and battles. Therefore, rare stuff like star dust, Pokémon evolution items, etc. should be carefully planned for usage.
Some of the most interesting parts of the gameplay are battles. Whether its gym or league, you have to build a team of Pokémon to excel in the game. Besides this everyone wishes to complete Pokédex and start collecting variants.
- Is Pokémon Go free?
This virtual reality game is free. Just download it on your smartphone and create a username and password.
That’s all you need to be able to play without incurring any cost.
But there are ancillary costs like data cost, fuel, etc. as this game is a virtual reality game. Therefore, you may need to visit different places to complete the tasks and Pokédex.
Although there is a shop available where you may need Pokécoins to buy stuff needed for the game. But still, you may collect Pokécoins by keeping your Pokémon on gyms or by completing daily tasks. These Pokécoins are also available for purchase via google play store or apple store. Also, if you wish to visit events (physically) or virtually, you may need to buy tickets which may cost money.
- Is Pokémon Go safe?
The game is safe enough to play without any issue. Still, it could be dangerous if you are too focused on playing the game and enter into dangerous areas. Upon initial release, the game caused several accidents and traffic jams. As the concept of the virtual game was new for the people so it took some time before they get used to it. I have seen a person jumping out of the car just to catch Ganger on the Halloween event.
- Is Pokémon Go still popular?
Game is still popular enough to grab revenue in triple figures in USD million in March 2020 and still available in 100 popular games in Google Play. With continuous improvements and flexibility in gameplay, it is expected to attract more gamers.
- What are Pokémon Go like games and applications (apps)?
Pokémon Go like games and applications can be divided into three categories:
- By developer – Niantic: Ingress Prime, Harry Potter – Wizard Unite,
- Pokémon Games: Pokémon Quest, Pokémon Home, Pokémon Café Mix, Pokémon Smile, Pokémon Masters, Pokémon Rumble Rush, Pokémon Magicarp Jump,
- Virtual Reality Games: Super Mario Run, Dinosaur Go, Jurassic World Alive, Minecraft Earth, Men in Black AR, Monster Ball Go, Mario Kart
Although there are so many options but better have Pokémon Go Update and Play.
- Why a trainer gets banned in the games?
It is better if you go for a Pokémon Go Update and Play but no cheating. A trainer can get banned if they use unauthorized means to play games. This list includes using spoofing applications, unauthorized APK or modified software, multi accounts on a single handset, sharing accounts, buying or selling of game currency or accounts, and so on.
Niantic has three strike policies before termination of accounts. The first strike is a warning that may last for 7 days. If cheating continues, then the second strike leads to suspension for 30 days. Every time when you will log in into your account, a message for suspension will appear. Third and the last strike is termination. This will happen if you keep on cheating with unfair applications or means. Termination is permanent. Although there is an appeal mechanism to overturn the decision of Niantic. But according to the developer very few appeals are actually overturned.
- What is Niantic Wayfarer?
Niantic wayfarer is a platform for game players where you can submit your application for Pokéstops and gyms. Also, you may review nominations of your peer players or trainers. Before accessing the full functionality of this website, there are a couple of requirements.
You may achieve a certain level and level 40 is definitely allowed but this requirement is supposed to change over time. Secondly, you may have to pass the test before you may be able to start reviewing nominations.
Website of Niantic wayfarer is https://wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/
- What is the Pokémon Go official website?
The official website is https://Pokémongolive.com/
Pokémon Go Funny Snapshot
Pokémon Go Update and Play – Happy Journey Trainers
About Pokémon Go Update and Play:
Pokémon Go Update and Play article is prepared for the new trainers who have some knowledge of the game or ones who left game early due to non availability of updates. Your comments on the article please.
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