Pets Writing & Art

Poems on Pets

Poems on Pets
Written by Sarah Shahzad

Poems on Pets

A collection of four poems on pets.


Abandoned outside in a rainy day,
Knowing where to find, can’t see one,
They can crawl away, in the forests,
Or under the rivers, with no stop,
Hiding from predators, running for snacks,
Slowly crawl back, in or out, with no fear,
They swim far, finding a way to stop,
With their home, in their shell.


Slow snail

Slowly crawling with a trail of slime,
With no stop it crawls,
It’s hard for the predator to seek the snail,
The snail quickly hides in its shell,
Slowly it peeks out,
No predator waiting for the meal to come out,
Slowly it begins to crawl out,
Slowly as it likes.


Horses they see

They kept eight horses,
Nine they could see, in the farm,
Knowing what’s around, food they gave,
Animal they count nine, horses they see,
Thinking it’s cosplaying, while they sleep,
In the farm, they see eight,
In the sunny morning, they see nine.



As it makes its cluck for running away,
Not to become one juicy food to eat,
Far away as it runs with fear,
Running away in the hopeless era,
The chicken who survived from becoming one big juicy feast,
Was still wanted by the farmer,
As the farmer kept on buying more,
The chicken feels less safe around humans,
As they don’t want to become food.

(By Sarah Shahzad, March 2020)

About the author

Sarah Shahzad

This is Sarah. I write poems and articles. I believe poetry and art are expressions of one’s imagination. I love reading books and watching movies. I am a regular writer for the blog and

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