Writing & Art

Dream in a Dream

Dream in a dream
Written by ishmam shafquat

Dream in a Dream


Crack! Noah stirred to the loud, piercing sound. He rolled over to his side causing wet mud to cake his face.

Crack! The sound was closer time, and louder. Noah’s eyes fluttered open and he pushed himself up, his vision blurry. As his surroundings came into vision, a blue strike crashed down and burned the grass beside him. Grimacing at the sight, he looked up at the rumbling sky, lightning illuminating it as droplets started to pour down.

Noah huffed up from the ground, covered in mud and started looking around at what seemed to be a forest, at the edge of a cliff. How the hell did I get here? He thought anxiously. However, the wind’s force was so extreme that it could sweep Noah off his feet. Ignoring it, he squinted looking past the large, swaying oak trees when something small came into view. Is that…a house! Noah started running towards the little cottage despite the severe throbbing in his foot.

As soon as he reached, he started pounding on the door desperately. There was no response. So he decided to let himself in only to find the door was locked shut. Wonderful. Consequently, Noah thought for a while, then with all his might, he rammed shoulder-first into the door.

Wincing at the pain, he got up. The cottage must’ve been abandoned, considering the picture frames on the dusty shelves. Noah sat down or his knees would’ve given away any second when there was a loud crack. All he saw was fire and the ceiling crashing down when his vision went black.

“…and it is not fully understood as to what the purpose of dreams is, although…” The words drowned out as Noah rubbed at his eyes. He recognized the voice as his teacher’s, Sir Maxwell. What’s he doing in the forest? Noah thought as he opened his eyes only to find himself at school, in his class. Am I dead? Confused, he checked the time. Afternoon.

Noah assumed it was a dream, a lucid one. He thought about it for a while. Then, he asked Sir Maxwell for the bathroom, he needed some fresh air.

He leaned against the wall of the bleachers when he felt a cool metal touch his temple. He turned to see what it was and to his horror, someone was holding a gun to his head. As he struggled to escape, he heard a loud boom and his vision went black, again.

This time, Noah woke up in his bed. He got up quickly to inspect his surroundings. As he had a feeling of Déjà vu, this day had already happened. Above all, he could tell because of the date that was written on his unfinished homework. He had travelled two days forward.

Just then, his mom crashed into his room, just as he remembered, but instead of telling him to catch the bus, she knocked him out with a pan and again, he fell unconscious.

What’s happening? Are these dreams, or is this reality?

He woke up.

Now where?

 Looked around, and started running away. From what? He didn’t know.

I can’t even trust myself anymore.

Keep your dream alive

Never stop dreaming

Dream in a Dream is a funny Story by Ishmam Shafquat.  Please leave your comments on this funny story.








About the author

ishmam shafquat

This is Ishmam Shafquat. I do quite a few things of which some are sketching or digital art, reading books, gaming and sports like swimming or volleyball. Just like drawing, writing is a creation of your own, you can get lost in a world you created with control over everything, like the characters and their stories. Life is given to things that once never existed, and that’s what I like to do.


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