Dead by Daylight Review | Indoor Game
Main Features:
Following are the main features of the game Dead by Daylight:
- Survival theme
- Dark and high definition graphics
- Scary music
- Small limited number of group is required to play game but matchmaking is bit shaky
- Addictive game
- Available on PS4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, Android and IOS
- Released by Behaviour Interactive
Main Issues:
- Connectivity issues in game play
- Bugs and wildly moving room list to choose from
Game play – Dead by Daylight
A group of 4 survivors must evade one killer and find the exit. In this game, the player can either play as a survivor or as a killer. The killer’s objective in the game is to make sure no one escapes and sacrifices all the survivors to the “Entity”. Meanwhile, the survivor’s objective is to escape by fixing generators to power up the exit gates so they can open.
Game Layout for Survivor:
The survivors have a 3rd person point of view. For the survivors, there are many characters that can be played, and each character has their own unique perks.

Screen Shot – Dead by Daylight Inventory
Every character has teachable perks which other characters can acquire by constantly acquiring “blood points
” and leveling up characters to increase the number of perks they can hold and improve the perks itself. The more you level up each character, the more perks you can hold. You can hold up to 4 perks on each character at most. There are many perks that can help you either stay away from the killer, aid yourself, repair generators faster, or be a team player that benefits the team. There are many useful perks that you can equip such as spine chill which alerts you when the killer is looking at your direction or sprint burst which helps you run away from the killer.
Other Items:
Aside from just perks in Dead by Daylight game, there are items that can be used such as med kits that you can use to heal yourself after a hit from the killer or a flashlight which can be used to blind the killer. There are also items like a map that helps locate where the generators are or a key to open the escape hatch and leave without the exit doors being opened.
Tips for game play:

Screen Shot – Dead by Daylight Survivors
Usually, a survivor can take up to 2 hits before they get downed and either need to be healed from another survivor or wiggle out of the grasp of the killer when you are picked up. When the killer downs you, the killer will hook you on a hook piece and you need to be unhooked from another survivor or you can your luck and attempt to escape.
Escape or Gone from the Game:
Attempting to escape will either unhook yourself or lower your hp meaning you will need to be unhooked as soon as possible before it kills you. The first time you get hooked, you will need to get unhooked before the spikes build up and then force you to struggle so the spikes do not kill you. If you get unhooked before the spikes build up, you can still get hooked again but you will need to struggle on the 2nd time. When you get unhooked from a hook piece when the spikes are built, that is your final chance as the next time you get hooked, you will be sacrificed to the entity and gone from the game.
Game layout for Killers
The killer has a 1st person point of view. The killer’s main objective is to sacrifice all the survivors to the entity by hooking them onto a hook piece until they get sacrificed.
Perks for Killers:

Screen Shot – Dead by Daylight
Just like the survivors, the killer can hold up to 4 perks and as well as having a unique ability that each killer has and having teachable perks that can be learned from other killers.
Tips for Game Play:
The killer can slow down the progress of generators by kicking them and depleting the progress made slowly if no survivor continues to work on the generator. The killer is faster than the survivor which means that the killer will normally win in all chases. However, the survivor can stun you by pulling down a pallet and then hitting you with it which will let the survivor get some distance between you and the killer. Also, the survivor can jump over windows and ledges faster than the killer which can be used against you to just circle you and waste your time as the other survivors continue repairing generators. There are many ways to catch survivors and play around them. The more you play the game, the better you will be at chasing and learning how to play tricks on survivors.
Kill all Before the Game Finished:
As a killer, you will need to hit the survivor 2 times before they are downed and then you will need to pick them up and hook them. The killer can kill survivors if they have an offering which can let them execute survivors after they get hooked once. Once the survivor is downed, the killer can just execute the survivor assuming the survivor has been hooked already once.
Final verdict:
Overall, Dead by Daylight is a fun game to play with friends and often has many spooky moments which will jump scare you and have you on your toes. The game has many positive reviews and is rated a 9/10 on steam. There is a lot of in game lore and background story on each different survivor and killer that you can read in case you’re ever interested in it.
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