Writing & Art

Time is our most precious commodity

Time is our most precious commodity
Written by Sarah Shahzad

Free Verse Poem

Time flies fast, but we do not notice it,
As it flutters by,
We ignore it,
Wasting our time,

There could have been many things done by now,
If we didn’t ignore time,
But time will soar high,
higher than our thoughts,

Time flies fast, and it won’t stop for us,
So, do all before it glides away,
It will fly away, far away,
Forget it, it won’t come back tomorrow,

Time is precious, and is valuable, limited for one use,
And if it will rush by us, it won’t stop,
Time is a precious commodity, for our nice memories,
It will be a haunted one, for poor time-wasting choices,

As our choices makes differences to our time,
They may be bad, or good, but they all came from time,
As we waste time, we let go of our choices,
And missed chances will never come back.

(By Sarah Shahzad, March 2020)

About Poem: Time is our most Precious Commodity

Time is our most precious commodity as we use it. We should think for the reason of using it. We waste time on useless things as we should think and use time more efficiently.  As we know that our minds are made for thinking. That’s what the theme of this free verse poem.

Although usability of time is a bit subjective. As for one person it may be a time waste but for others that could be a ‘time well spent’. An example is talking care of pet and talking to them. One of my friend thinks that it reduces stress and it is a useful activity for her. But her family thinks that she is wasting time with animals.

What I understand is that we should plan our time wisely and divide it among the family, friends and hobbies.  Spending time just for a hobby could become an addiction. What do you think?

About the author

Sarah Shahzad

This is Sarah. I write poems and articles. I believe poetry and art are expressions of one’s imagination. I love reading books and watching movies. I am a regular writer for the blog https://poemtheart.com and https://myhobbyportal.com

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