
Labrador: A Loyal Pet

Labrador: A Loyal Pet
Written by Sarah Shahzad

Labrador: A Loyal Pet

Labrador, a loyal pet breed of the dogs. It is also nicknamed as lab. It is a very popular breed in many countries. As it is a medium-large sized dog which may also be used as a fishing dog by their owners. The breed is best known for their loyalty, obedience and playful habits. They are also trained to help and aid those with blindness or autism.

Why to prefer Labrador over other breeds?

Labrador Retrievers are family friendly dogs. Not only family and children, they are friendly around strangers as well. They can also learn and can be taught many tricks. While training, you may give them treats as rewards for teaching and training. Labradors also have no problems when your bathing them in cold water. Since, they have the ability to tolerate cold water. All these make them a preferable choice for families over other breeds. That does not mean only families have them, but you see them a lot with people of all age.


Labrador tend to shed their fur twice or regularly a year in temperate seasons. Their furs have three main colors which are chocolate, yellow and black. But it doesn’t always have to be brown, yellow and black. It can be the lightest version of the colors. For example, light yellow and dark brown. Their coats are water proofed which helps them to swim in cold water even during the winters. And their “otter tail” which helps them to swim left and right just like an otter. They have long snouts and are medium-large sized. They are very good choice for children due to their size.

What should Labradors not eat?

You should never try to feed your Labrador or Lab anything that contains has or is caffeine, alcohol, onions, garlic, yeasty dough, chocolate, salt or milk, chives and avocados. Please note that you should cook meat, egg or even bones before giving them to your Labradors. The reason is because raw foods may contain dangerous bacteria which can harm your Lab.

What your Labradors should eat?

Your Labradors should be eating whatever is good and safe for them. Besides cooked meat and eggs, one of the most common food to feed Labs is Kibble or Pet food for Labradors. But always do remember to cook the food you give to your lab to avoid food related diseases.

Keeping and Grooming a Labrador

When you get a Lab make sure it feels comfy and safe. You should start making a list of stuff needed for a Labrador, like

  • Buying a bed for Labrador to sleep on. So, they won’t have to sleep on the floor;
  • Make sure your Labrador has a collar so you will be able recognize your Labrador and it won’t get lost;
  • Get a leash, you should get a leash for your Lab when they are going for a walk so you can make sure they stay with you and not get lost (you can stop leashing you lab once you think they are trusted, but I think you should leash them just in case);
  • A veterinarian visits for regular checkup;
  • Pet toys and costumes as needed;
  • Buy Kibble for your pet while training them or teaching them tricks; and
  • Last but not least you should buy a food bowl and water bowl for them to eat and drink in, anytime they want.

Thinking of adopting a pet dog, consider a Labrador as it is smart, loyal, obedient, playful and above all, the best companion


About the author

Sarah Shahzad

This is Sarah. I write poems and articles. I believe poetry and art are expressions of one’s imagination. I love reading books and watching movies. I am a regular writer for the blog and

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